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Are champions born or made?//

It is a matter that has been debated for centuries whether sports performance comes from birth or not. Scientific developments in recent years have put an end to this debate, and as a result of scientific studies, it has been observed that Olympic level or professional level athletes competing in the same category have the same common genetic traits. Genetic Passport® has developed genetic test panels that appeal to athletes of all ages, and from children's sports branch selection to amateur and professional levels.

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Basic Test

There are some physiological characteristics that affect the sportive performance. The muscle fiber type and cardiovascular capacity is a very important scientific data source about which sports branch the person is more suitable for and which sports branches can achieve Olympic or professional success. Genetic Trainers (the trainers who have special training) can determine the sports branches that you and your child are most suitable for, based on these scientific data.


Injury & Recovery Test

Some mutations that occur in the main genetic factors that encode the skeletal system and the immune system, lead to easier and more frequent injuries of the athletes. Knowing these risks allows us to adjust training and regeneration processes according to genetic profile and minimizing disability risks or eliminating them completely.

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Gold Panel

People are born with 3 different muscle types and 3 different cardiovascular capacity. As a result of the combination of these features, 9 different human genotypes appear in terms of athletic performance. For these reasons, the physiological responses of each person give to training and nutrition are different. You can reach your targets more quickly, naturally with Genetic Passport athletic performance tests. Also, you can find the best-suited position or the category to your genetic profile in all sports branches.

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Genetic Passport Pro

 In the world, only Genetic Passport® has a special R&D unit on sports genetics. Genetic Passport's sports performance test panels are produced as a result of the cooperation of dozens of specialists, sports scientists, and genetic scientists. It guarantees that they use their genetic advantages in the best way and get maximum performance from their bodies, even for athletes at their limits, which are professional or aiming to be professional from all branches.




The secret to living healthier, longer, and more athletic is on the Genetic Passport's Wellness test panel.! What is in our Genetic Passport Wellness test panel based on molecular DNA analysis of 68 gene regions?



 1) Immune System

 2) Atrial fibrillation (AF)

 3) Coronary artery disease (CAD)

 4) Intracranial aneurysm (IA)

 5) Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

 6) Venous thromboembolism (VTE)

 7) Obesity

 8) Type 1 diabetes

 9) Type 2 diabetes

10) Hyperthyroidism

11) Folate Metabolism

12) Gluten Intolerance

13) Lactose Intolerance

14) Sugar Consumption

15) Alzheimer

16) Osteoporosis

17) Rheumatoid arthritis

18) Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG)

19) Exfoliating glaucoma

20) Age-related macula degeneration (AMD)

21) Vitamine B12 

22) Vitamine B6

23) Vitamine D

24) Sports Performance




●Determining the most common 24 genetic disease risks in the world in numerical rates.


●Comparing personal risks with population risks numerically.


●Separate disclosure of the measures required to reduce the genetic and environmental risk rates for each disease.


●Explanation of the trigger factors one by one according to the risk rate for each disease.


●Descriptive information of all environmental factors necessary to minimize or even eliminate risks by risk rate for each disease.


●Nutritional and exercise recommendations for each disease.


●Emergency response warning against high-risk rates.


●Assessing the possibility of increased risk after the interaction of other genetic regions despite the low risk of disease.


●Assessing the possibility of decreasing the risk after the interaction of other genetic regions despite the high risk of disease.

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Obezite-Diyebet & Diyet Paneli //


Çağın hastalığı olarak tanımlanan obezite vücutta aşırı yağ artımıyla (kilo alımı) ortaya çıkan, çevresel etkilerle tetiklenen genetik temelli kronik bir hastalıktır. Obezite, dünyada özellikle gelişmiş ülkelerin en önemli sağlık sorunlarından biridir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü verilerine göre dünyada 1,9 milyar kişi fazla kilolu ve bunların 600 milyonu da obezdir. 35 gen bölgesinin moleküler DNA analizine dayalı Obezite-Diyabet & Diyet panelizme, daha uzun, daha sağlıklı ve daha kaliteli bir hayat yaşamak elinizde.



















- Kişisel riskleri popülasyon riskleri ile rakamsal olarak karşılaştırılması,


- Her hastalık için genetik ve çevresel risk oranlarının düşürülmesi için gerekli önlemlerin ayrı ayrı açıklanması.


- Her hastalık için risk oranına göre tetikleyici unsurların tek tek açıklanması.


- Her hastalık için risk oranına göre risklerin minumuma indirmek ve hatta ortadan kaldırmak için gerekli tüm çevresel faktörlerin açıklayıcı bilgisi. 

- Her hastalık riski için hastalığa, kişinin yaş, cinsiyet ve genetik özelliklerine uygun beslenme ve egzersiz tavsiyeleri.

-Yüksek risk oranlarına karşı acil müdahale uyarısı.

- Bir hastalığa karşı düşük risk taşınmasına rağmen diğer genetik bölgelerin etkileşimi sonuncunda riskin yükselmesi ihtimalinin değerlendirilmesi. 

-Bir hastalığa karşı yüksek risk taşınmasına rağmen diğer genetik bölgelerin etkileşimi sonuncunda riskin düşmesi ihtimalinin değerlendirilmesi. 






Genetic Check-Up based on molecular DNA analysis of 150 gene regions. Genetic Passport determines the risks of nearly 40 genetic diseases, ranging from cancer to Alzheimer's, sports performance to obesity, and diabetes.


1) Breast Cancer (BC)

2) Lung Cancer (LC)

3) Colorectal Cancer (CC)

4) Gastric Cancer (GC)

5) Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

6) Bladder Cancer

7) Prostate Cancer (PC)

8) Melanoma

9) Atrial fibrillation (AF)

10) Coronary artery disease (CAD)

11) Intracranial aneurysm (IA)

12) Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

13) Venous thromboembolism (VTE)

14) Obesity

15) Type 1 diabetes

16) Type 2 diabetes

17) High blood pressure

18) Hyperthyroidism

19) Folate Metabolism

20) Gluten Intolerance

21) Lactose Intolerance

22) Sugar Consumption

23) Alzheimer

24) Osteoporosis

25) Multiple Sclerosis (MS),

26) Migraine with Aura

27) Psoriasis

28) Rheumatoid arthritis

29) The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

30) Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG)

31) Exfoliating glaucoma

32) Age-related macula degeneration (AMD)

33) Vitamine B12 

34) Vitamine B6

35) Vitamine D

36) ACTN'3 (R577X)

37) ACE (I/D) 



Alzheimer disease APOE 
Alzheimer disease APOE 
Atrial fibrillation 4q25 
Atrial fibrillation PITX2 
Basal cell carcinoma PADI6  rs7538XXX 
Basal cell carcinoma Intergenic  rs801XXX 
Bladder cancer TACC3 
Bladder cancer MYC
Breast cancer TP53 
Breast cancer RAD51B 
Breast cancer ATM rs1800XXX
Breast cancer ATM rs1800XXX 
Breast cancer ATM rs1800XXX 
Breast cancer ATM rs1801XXX 
Breast cancer ATM rs3092XXX 
Breast cancer ATM rs3218XXX
Breast cancer ATM rs3218XXX 
Breast cancer TNRC9 
Breast cancer BRCA1 

Breast cancer ATM  
Breast cancer BRCA1 rs80357XXX 
Breast cancer BRCA2 
Celiac disease HLA-DQA1  
Celiac disease HLA-DRA  
Celiac disease Intergenic rs4639XXX
Celiac disease Intergenic rs4713XXX
Celiac disease Intergenic rs7454XXX 
Celiac disease HLA-DQB1  
Colorectal cancer SMAD7 
Colorectal cancer Intergenic rs4779XXX 
Colorectal cancer SMAD7 
Colorectal cancer Intergenic rs6983XXX 
Colorectal cancer TCF7L2 
Coronary artery disease LPA 
Coronary artery disease CDKN2B-AS1 
Coronary artery disease Intergenic rs10757XXX 
Coronary artery disease CDKN2B-AS1 rs2383XXX
Coronary artery disease CDKN2B-AS1 rs2383XXX 
Coronary artery disease LPA 
Exfoliating glaucoma LOXL1 

Exfoliating glaucoma LOXL1 rs3825XXX 
Folate Metabolism MTHFR 
Gallstone disease ABCG8 rs11887XXX 
Gastric cancer MTHFR rs1801XXX 
Graves' disease IL-23R rs10889XXX
Graves' disease TNF-α rs1800XXX
Graves' disease TNF-α rs1800XXX
Graves' disease IL-23R rs2201XXX 
Graves' disease IL-23R rs7530XXX 
Intracranial aneurysm SOX17 rs10958XXX 
Intracranial aneurysm CDKN2A/CDKN2B 
Lactose intolerance MCM6 rs4988XXX 
Lung cancer CHRNA3 rs1051XXX 
Lung cancer HYKK rs8034XXX 
Lung cancer CHRNA5 rs951XXX 
Male pattern baldness Intergenic  
Male pattern baldness Intergenic rs6625XXX  
Melanoma MC1R rs1805XXX
Migraine with aura MTHFR rs1801XXX 
Multiple sclerosis ILR2A
Multiple sclerosis HLA-DRA

Multiple sclerosis IL7R rs6897XXX
Obesity MC4R
Obesity MC4R 
Obesity APOA2 
Obesity PCSK1
Obesity APOA5 
Obesity SH2B1 
Osteoporosis LRP5 rs3736228
Osteoporosis LRP5 rs4988321 
Peripheral arterial disease CHRNA5
Primary open-angle glaucoma SIX1 
Primary open-angle glaucoma ATOH7
Primary open-angle glaucoma CAV1-CAV2  
Primary open-angle glaucoma TMCO1 
Prostate cancer FUNDC2P2 
Prostate cancer Intergenic rs16901XXX
Prostate cancer CASC17 
Prostate cancer Intergenic
Psoriasis TNF-α 
Psoriasis LCE3D 

Rheumatoid arthritis TRAF1 
Rheumatoid arthritis Intergenic rs6457617 
Rheumatoid arthritis STAT4 
Sugar consumption SLC2A2 
Systemic lupus erythematosus STAT4 
Systemic lupus erythematosus IRF5 
Systemic lupus erythematosus ITGAM  
Systemic lupus erythematosus TNF-a  
Systemic lupus erythematosus HLA-DQA1 
Systemic lupus erythematosus SKIV2L  
Systemic lupus erythematosus STAT4 
Systemic lupus erythematosus ITGAM 
Type 1 diabetes PTPN22 
Type 1 diabetes CLEC16A 
Type 1 diabetes STAT4 
Type 1 diabetes HLA-DQA1 
Type 2 diabetes CDKN2B 
Type 2 diabetes Intergenic 
Type 2 diabetes TCF7L2 
Type 2 diabetes SLC30A8 
Type 2 diabetes PPARG

Type 2 diabetes TCF7L2 
Type 2 diabetes Intergenic 
Type 2 diabetes Intergenic 
Type 2 diabetes FTO rs9939XXX 
Venous thromboembolism F2 rs1799XXX
Venous thromboembolism F5
Vitamin B12 FUT2 
Vitamin B6 ALPL 
Vitamin D CYP2R1 
Vitamin D CYP2R1 
Vitamin D GC 
Vitamin D GC 

Muscle type ACTN3 

Cardiyac capacity ACE 




●Determining the most common 40 genetic disease risks in the world in numerical rates.


●Comparing personal risks with population risks numerically.


●Separate disclosure of the measures required to reduce the genetic and environmental risk rates for each disease.


●Explanation of the trigger factors one by one according to the risk rate for each disease.


●Descriptive information of all environmental factors necessary to minimize or even eliminate risks by risk rate for each disease.


●Nutritional and exercise recommendations for each disease.


●Emergency response warning against high-risk rates.


●Assessing the possibility of increased risk after the interaction of other genetic regions despite the low risk of disease.


●Assessing the possibility of decreasing the risk after the interaction of other genetic regions despite the high risk of disease.


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